Friday, September 19, 2008


"Time to relax with some music!" I said to myself, whipping out my handphone from my bag and turning on my favourite song to full blast. It was a long walk home after my tuition and it was late at night.

Grooving to the music while closing my eyes, I was enjoying the music running through my ears when suddenly a masked man appeared and violently snatched my handphone. I was terrified. "H..Hey!" I shouted. I gave chase, running as fast as my legs could carry me. "Stop!!! Stop!!!"I bellowed. The theft was as quick as a cheetah. I struggled to lessen the gap.

My lungs burned as if pleading me to stop but I was unrelenting. The thought of wanting my handphone back made me more determined. We ran helter-skelter, no holds barred towards Street 23, where my house is located. "Stop!!!" I screamed. As we ran pass my house I saw my sister staring at me puzzled. "Call the police!" I shouted. My sister ran into the house. I continued chasing the robber.

We ran to a dark alley and into a dead end. The robber turn around and said, "Wow, you are so determined to catch me...But you will never because I'm going to kill you! Muahahahaha!" He took out a knife and brandished it infront of my face. I was quivering like a leaf.

"Freeze! This is the police!" someone shouted behind me. I was relieved. One of the policeman ran towards the robber and kicked the robber on his knee, he felled to the ground, covering his knee with his hands, dropping my handphone. I caught it and cleaned it with my shirt. "Yay!" I exclaimed. The police handcuffed the robber and took him to the police station. My sister came and said, "I guess someone owes me a lunch treat!" "Okay! Thank you so much!" I said hugging my sister tightly. "Let's go home!" my sister said pulling my hand.

1 comment:

tsooc said...

Dear Ger,

A complete and logical story. Keep it up. Do take note of the following:
- Wouldn't the man try to rob you too?

- slow down your story by describing your fear after you saw the man and the thoughts that go through your mind as he advanced on you. Looking forward to your draft 2.