Friday, September 19, 2008


"Time to relax with some music!" I said to myself, whipping out my handphone from my bag and turning on my favourite song to full blast. It was a long walk home after my tuition and it was late at night.

Grooving to the music while closing my eyes, I was enjoying the music running through my ears when suddenly a masked man appeared and violently snatched my handphone. I was terrified. "H..Hey!" I shouted. I gave chase, running as fast as my legs could carry me. "Stop!!! Stop!!!"I bellowed. The theft was as quick as a cheetah. I struggled to lessen the gap.

My lungs burned as if pleading me to stop but I was unrelenting. The thought of wanting my handphone back made me more determined. We ran helter-skelter, no holds barred towards Street 23, where my house is located. "Stop!!!" I screamed. As we ran pass my house I saw my sister staring at me puzzled. "Call the police!" I shouted. My sister ran into the house. I continued chasing the robber.

We ran to a dark alley and into a dead end. The robber turn around and said, "Wow, you are so determined to catch me...But you will never because I'm going to kill you! Muahahahaha!" He took out a knife and brandished it infront of my face. I was quivering like a leaf.

"Freeze! This is the police!" someone shouted behind me. I was relieved. One of the policeman ran towards the robber and kicked the robber on his knee, he felled to the ground, covering his knee with his hands, dropping my handphone. I caught it and cleaned it with my shirt. "Yay!" I exclaimed. The police handcuffed the robber and took him to the police station. My sister came and said, "I guess someone owes me a lunch treat!" "Okay! Thank you so much!" I said hugging my sister tightly. "Let's go home!" my sister said pulling my hand.


It was a starry night. Shooting stars zoomed across the sky. I was watching my favourite television programme, and and was laughing my head off. "Haha! This show is so hilarious!" I exclaimed. Just when it was about to get to the best part...All the electrical appliances switched off by themselves! "Ahh!" I let out a small yelp as I was shocked.

I ran around the house finding something that gives off light. "Ah ha!" I found a box of matchsticks. I lit up the matchstick. A crimson glow appeared and I grinned from ear to ear, lighting the candle on the table. Then, I whipped out my handphone from my bag and punch in my father's handphone numbers. "Hello, Dad? It me, Geraldine! I really need you to come home now! There's a blackout and only our home has it!" "Okay, I'll try my best!" my Dad replied, reassuring me. I sat on the sofa pressing the 'end' buttton of my handphone to end the call. Sigh! I looked at the flame that was burning infront of me while thinking how should I tell my teacher that if Dad came back and I've not done my homework as there was a blackout and the candle is not bright enough!

After a few hours, there was only one-quater of the candle left! "Where's Dad?!" I thought anxiously, beads of sweat trickled down my cheek because of the overwhelming heat. It was ten in the night and I was about to fall asleep when the sound of keys unlocking the door was heard. "Daddy!" I ran to the door. My Dad appeared with a worried-look, "I was held up by my boss, I'm sorry!" He started fixing the fuse box

"Let there be light!" Dad exclaimed after thirty minutes of fixing. He switch on one of the switches in the fuse box, the lights went on! I chuckled. I thanked Dad and went to do my homework.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fight in class

"Another boring day at school!" I droned, dragging my feet back to class after recess. Miss Lai, my form teacher, has not come to class for her period. My classmates were chatting animatedly while some boys were chasing each other as I lay my head on the table, dozing off.
Suddenly curses filled the classroom, waking me up. I looked around finding the source of the curses as my eyes set upon a crowd. I walk towards them half asleep. "What's going on?" I asked my best friend who was standing among the crowd. "See for yourself." she said standing aside, offering her place. I looked and saw two other classmates of mine, Peter and James, were throwing curses at each other. My eyes widened, "Finally something exciting!"
"Fight! Fight! Fight!" I exclaimed, wanting to see more action. Soon, the whole class followed and the two boys begin raining punches and throwing kicks at each other. Some of my classmates cheered and some jeered as a commotion was building up.
"Stop!" Miss Lai's voice echoed in the room, me and my classmates scampered back to our seats. Peter and James froze in their paths, each carrying a table, wanting to throw it at each other. Miss Lai dragged them out of the class.
Five minutes later, Miss Lai came back and said, "I have sent those two boys to the principle's office for fighting in class, if this happens to the rest of you, I'm going to throw you out of the school!" Everyone remained silent and we started our lesson.

Close encounter to death

"Wake up! Wake up! We have reached Wild Wild Wet! It's time to swim like you have no tomorrow!" my sister exclaimed. "Huh?" I opened my eyes slowly, realising that we have reached our destination after a long 2 hours trip. It was the weekend, Mum and Dad brought me and my sister out swimming at Wild Wild Wet. We got out of the car chatting animatedly, imaginating what will it be like inside the "swimming paradise" which is the Wild Wild Wet.
A few moments later, after we had paid for the entrance fees, we went into the park. What we saw was beyond our imagination, there was a two storey tall water playground and surrounding it was a man-made river with strong currents carrying swimmers holding floats. My sister and I decided to go and play at the river first.
"Last one to reach there is a fat pig!" my sister exclaimed running towards the river. I followed her as fast as my legs could carry me.
Each of us took a float each and started waddling into the river. I could feel the strong current brushing through my feet. "See you!" my sister began floating on the river out of my sight. "Hey! Wait for me!" I hurriedly floated behind my sister.
The current was rapidly moving up and down. I was enjoying it until I realised my sister had disappeared. "Sis? Sis?!" I shouted, looking around frantically. Just then, I accidently toppled over my float and I struggled to keep afloat, "Help! I can't swim!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was about to drown soon- never to surface again, never to see another sunrise and sunset.
Out of the blue, a life guard appeared with a float and dragged me to shore. I coughed out water as I saw my sister running towards me. "What happened!?" my sister questioned the life guard. "She almost drowned." the life guard replied and he left.
My sister apologised to me for not taking care of me and hugged me tightly. This moment will be etched in our minds forever.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I will be posting some compos soon...