Wednesday, December 10, 2008



1) Husband of Singaporean hostage Lo Hwei Yen killed in the Mumbai attacks, Michael
Puhaindran gave an insight into the 28 year old.

I think her husband is doing the right thing as the brave singaporean faced many
fearful moments being a hostage,yet, cared to call her husband and tell him that she loved him very much and send an email to her family and friends that if she did not make it out there, she will always love them.

2) A 23 year old Chinese National, Wang Zhong, has been fined $19,000 for smuggling cigarettes through parcel post.

I think that fining him is a right thing to do because he had done an illegal act by smuggling cigarettes. In fact, they should not have invented cigarettes as it is bad for our health. The goverment had spent much money on promoting a smoke-free enviroment, too bad that the cigarettes has drugs that make the smoker addicted to it, making it a problem for promoting smoke-free enviroments.


YHLin said...


1) I think that your news report should be more detailed. For the opinions, I think you should not only write everything about the interview. You should add abt what you learnt from this terrorist attack (be ever-ready, etc) and what should Singapore, Mumbai and other countries do to prevent such misfortune to recur.

2) For the second news, should be more detailed. For the opinions, you should have add the bad effects of smoking on us and what cancer it might cause. Also, when someone smokes, the people around him would inhale the smoke, which is also known as second-hand smoking. Second-hand smoking is worse than the smoker, but the second-hand smoker is innocent. You could also add there should be anti-smoking campaigns, activities or talks to educate pupils about the bad effects of smoking so they would not smoke and one day Singapore might be an anti-smoking country.

Good try!

Hwee Lin

tsooc said...

Dear Gera,

agree with Hlin that your opnions should be elaborated. She gave sound advice. Do take note.
1) eg how the death of Ms Lo affect S'poreans? We no longer think that we are safe and we are not under the threat of terrorists. Elaborate on the role of every S'porean in the fight against terrorism.

2) agree with Hlin's opinions totally. Keep working at it to improve. :-)